Sonntag, 26. August 2007

Burren and Cliffs of Moher

Yesterday we went to some more lunar landscapes: We made a trip to the Burren, the Cliffs of Moher, and lots of other places.
Well, I did promise you more lunar landscapes! *lol*

The small cliffs.

The big cliffs - the Cliffs of Moher. It was a bit foggy when we arrived, but I think it does look kind of cool because it looks like a place where you would find fairies and leprechauns. However, soon after it was completely fogged it and you couldn't see anything.

There were so many freinds who could have taken a picture of myself, but it kind of is our hobby to take stupid pictures of ourselves! *lol*

That's actually on top of the cliffs. During that picture I was thinking: "You just ignored the "Don't go beyong this point!"-sign (with about 100 other people), behind you there is an abyss of about 200 m (which unfortunately you can't see because of the fog), it's so fogged in that you can't even really see where you are going, and it's kind of windy, so I better go back to the safe area!" Well, I had to take this picture myself because my friends didn't want to ignore the "Don't go beyond this point!'-sign.

Poulnabrone, a tombstone. It looks kind of cool, doesn't it?

I've always wanted to be taller than a castle!

By the way, on that trip we also learned that the highest measured temperature in Ireland was 31 degrees Celsius. Well, I don't even try swimming in the sea unless it's above 35 degrees outside, so I guess I will not be able to wear my new white bikini! :-(

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