Dienstag, 14. August 2007

the first chaotic and stressful days in Ireland

Welcome to the town where your German umbrella gives up after 2 days because of heavy rain, welcome to the town where girls wear mini skirts and high heels when they go out although it's only 9 degrees Celsius, welcome to the towns where the pubs are always full and always have some kind of really cool shows: WELCOME TO GALWAY, IRELAND!

Now I'm in Ireland and have lots of things to tell. I might even be able to write a book, but I'll try to keep it short! *lol* Let's try to do it chronologically.

August, 8th: To start the house hunt in Galway you have to stand in line for nearly 3 hours in front of the Galway Advertiser building to get the accomodation listing which costs 2 €. Then you run to the closest place to sit and call about 30 landlords who mostly tell you that international students who only stay for half a year are not welcome. However, I did find a place to stay one our first day of house hunting. I thought it would be a cool place to live in because the other people that were living there already were really easy-going and a bit chaotic (just as I am) . But that turned out to be a problem.The line in front of the Galway Advertiser.

Julia after a long day in the youth hostel.

August, 9th: We looked at a lot of different rooms and houses. But it turned out to be a disappointing day because none of the places seemed fit to live in.
Mara (in the front) and Julia (in the back) in the youth hostel trying to find a nice place on the internet.

August, 10th: My first night at my room. Since we still hadn't found anything for Julia (another student from Kassel) and we both booked only 3 nights in a youth hostel, she had to sleep at my place, on the floor.

August, 11th: The people at my place were partying all night and talking quite loudly, so we didn't really sleep that good. And in the morning Colon (one of the people also living in that house) knocked on the door at 10 am and was totally drunk (He and his friends have been drinking all night without a break.). He wanted to have my key, so that he could make a new one. (I guess he lost his key.) And when he came back, he gave Julia and me 2 beers for breakfast. But anyway, Colon is really funny!
However, that day we found another nice room in a house with 3 Irish guys. And that house was just beside mine. So, Julia moved in. We had also looked at a good place for Mara (a student from Göttingen), but the guy who showed us the room still needed time to decide if we were going to get the room because he had so many people that were interested in moving in. But the problem was, that both Julia and Mara wanted to have the room in the house with the 3 Irish guys and none of them wanted to have the other one because Daniel (the guy that was also living there) is kind of unique and they were afraid that they would not get along with him. And I actually liked both places, but I already had a room, so I didn't have to make any decisions.

August, 12th: I actually fled from my room in the morning because the night was awful. Colon's friends were partying in the house all night and he wasn't even there. They were really aggressive to each other and really drunk, of course. The girls (5 of them) threw up all night and people were coming into my room because they mixed up the doors. All of that was quite disgusting and I only slept 2 hours! :-( So, I told Colon that I would be moving out and they apologized a thousand times, but I didn't back off and packed my stuff.
During the same night, Julia woke up in the morning because somebody threw up as well. The 3 Irish guys were also having a party in their house with their friends.
And again during the same night, Mara (a student from Göttingen) experienced how a young Spanish guy threw up into her room in the youth hostel. So, when we met that morning, everybody had a weird story to tell and we were very tired.
And now the whole story gets weird: Suddenly, neither Mara nor Julia wanted to live with the 3 Irish guys because one of them threw up and both of them wanted to move to Daniel. (But we still didn't have an answer from Daniel and didn't even know if anyone of us could live there.) I didn't mind, I just wanted to get out of the party house and so I decided to stay with the 3 Irish guys in the house just beside my earlier place. They are really nice and I even have wireless lan! :-) I just want to mention that rents are really expensive in Ireland: I pay about 300 € (without electricty charges and internet) for a small room (8 or 9 square meters). But it's really close to the city centre and Lidl and Aldi, so I can buy cheap groceries! :-)
In the late afternoon we finally recieved a call from Daniel who told us that we could have the room and Julia moved in. Mara also spend one night there because she didn't want to go back to the youth hostel although she had payed for one more night.
My room. Yes, I know, it's not very tidy but I was in the middle of unpacking.

The living room with the fire place.

The huge kitchen.

August 13th: We finally found place for Mara in the middle of the city. And that's why we went partying in 2 pubs and 1 night club! :-) And all three of us found our rooms in the internet and the Galway Advertiser turned out to be less helpful.

The newspaper actually found three different ways to tell you that the weather is going to suck.

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